How to Reset a Circuit Breaker That Has Tripped

circuit breaker

Living alone requires you to learn how to reset a tripped circuit breaker. Knowing when not to reset a tripped breaker is equally crucial since there can be an underlying electrical problem that has to be fixed first. When you operate a hair dryer on a circuit that powers many other products, you overload the circuit and trip the circuit breaker. There could be more significant reasons, though. Learn how to reset a breaker, what could have caused it to trip in the first place, and how to avoid it happening again.

What to Look for When a Circuit Breaker Trips

If a particular circuit in your house goes out, you can be certain that a circuit breaker has tripped. It’s possible that none of the power outlets in one room or the lights in two nearby rooms are functioning.A tripped breaker is probably not the cause of your power outage if it affects several rooms or the entire house, as isolated circuits shouldn’t interfere with one another.

Finding the circuit breaker box in your house should be your next move if you think a circuit breaker has tripped. Numerous breakers that regulate individual house circuits are located in the breaker box. It’s a guessing game because the breakers aren’t always labeled with the circuits they coordinate with. Since it’s the breaker that isn’t in the “on” position, it will be clear which breaker has tripped.

Safety Points to Remember

A circuit breaker has more purposes than just turning a circuit on or off. It is a safety feature that, in the event of an electrical issue, instantly shuts the power on a certain circuit. Damaged receptacles, loose connections, frayed wires, and overloaded circuits can all cause a breaker to trip. If the electricity is restored without first determining what caused the circuit to trip, you and anybody around may be in danger.

Exercise caution when working near a live circuit breaker box. You should only ever touch the breakers’ switches since other parts might shock you. In the event that you are moist or wet, you should never touch the electrical box.

Items You’ll Require

Tools and Equipment

  1. Eye protection
  2. Flashlight

How to Use It ?

Methods for Resetting a Trip Breaker

Step 1

Shut Down Every Device on the Circuit

Turn off or disconnect everything hooked into the tripped circuit as a safety measure and to avoid overloading the circuit.

Although this step does not reset the breaker, it can assist in identifying possible reasons why the breaker tripped, such as an overloading circuit. You can determine which item is overloading the circuit by plugging each one of the things back in separately.

Step 2

Find the Breaker that Tripped.

Find the tripped breaker by opening the circuit breaker box. A tripped breaker will be in either the “off” position or the neutral center position. All breakers that are usually operating will be in the “on” position. As soon as you find it, do not turn it on.

Look for a metal box around eye level in your basement, garage, utility closet, or other comparable locations if you can’t find your breaker box.

If there isn’t a breaker in your breaker box controlling the failing circuit, it can be elsewhere in an electrical subpanel.

If you live in an older home, there’s a good possibility that when you open the breaker box, fuses will be found there rather than breakers.

Step 3

Examine the Breaker Box.

Examine the breaker box thoroughly from the inside out. Take note of any strange odors, heat, or other burning symptoms. Additionally, check for any damage or corrosion. Stay away from restoring electricity if you see anything suspicious. Rather, get in touch with an electrician for more analysis.


Step 4

Reset the circuit breaker.

Try turning the breaker back on after making sure the area passes your examination. Make sure you and the area around you are dry before proceeding, and avoid touching the wires or the back of the electrical panel with your hands.

You must turn the breaker switch to the “off” position before turning it back on if it is in the middle position. You probably have a malfunctioning breaker if, even after being turned to the “off” position, the breaker doesn’t turn on.

Breakers can ignite when flipped into the “on” position, however this is not a common occurrence. Wearing eye protection can shield against severe damage.

Step 5

Examine the Circuit

Restore power to the numerous objects that are powered by the problem circuit, one item at a time.

You may be overloading the circuit by powering too many objects if the circuit can only handle a particular number of items. Transfer one or more components to a different circuit in this situation, then retest.

How to Handle a Recurrent Circuit Breaker Trip

After the reset, if the circuit breaker trips again, there probably is a problem that you haven’t seen or aren’t able to observe. If this is the case, you should further examine, with the power off, the wiring and outlets connected to the circuit. Contact an electrician if you are unable to identify the issue or if you need more help.





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